Wood panels
wood floorings and panels
made entirely
in our factory
Nature enters the house
Tecnopannelli produces customized panels for the realization of interior furnishings such as walls, table tops, peninsula tops, bathroom tops, sideboards, doors, with reclaimed furniture that makes them special and differences them from other products.
Worked piece by piece by craftsmen handamade.
Woods of special atmosphere, full of secrets and details where craftsmanship is a quality, that furnishes the most beautiful houses creating and a highly personal aesthetic, with the possibility of choice.

Chromatic nature
Patina panels mountain
Working reclaimed patina wood requires passion, dedication and a great effort in finding the best result: skill that Tecnopannelli has been wisely performing since 1974. Patina wood is first removed and reclaimed from old barns, old stables and farmhouses, where it has suffered natural processes such as sun and bad weather oxidation. These natural phenomena have given a stunning colour alteration to the wood. Tecnopannelli then starts working this precious wood and turns it into beautiful panels, original doors or prestigious walls in order to create a special contrast with modern furnishings as well as to improve country environments whose beauty is maintained and respected by using natural finishes such as wax, red wine, white lime chalk or coloured clays depending on the shadow it is necessary to achieve. Fillings, dowel processing, hole blackening through nails, wide knots, grains of different shadows as well as deep brushing are the most remarkable features characterizing this product and proving its authenticity. Wood hardness is also another important feature: through the action of time wood is made more compact and stronger.

casetta di montagna legno vecchio in patina

tavole di conifera ossidate dal sole

pannelli in 1^ patina grigia ossidata dal sole

pannelli in 1^ patina beige conifera

pannello in 1^ patina Rovere - disegno patchwork

ontano 1^ patina beige

pannello in 1^ patina beige - Ontano

parete in Ontano 1^ patina d'interno neutra

pannello per porta in 1^ patina d'interno-conifera
Panels in others reclaimed wood
Reclaimed wood makes your home unique
and special, giving a touch of personality in any
LAGOON OAK explanation
MATERIC OAK WOOD explanation
OLD OAK reclaimed from secular beams wood

rovere 1^ patina

rovere materico

tavolo in rovere di laguna

rovere antico

rovere antico

rovere materico vaporizzato - a correre

rovere materico vaporizzato

pannelli in rovere di laguna

pannello in rovere di laguna